Monday 21 November 2016

Cultural Revolution assignment.

  • Pick one person from the Cultural Revolution section. Find non-fiction work they've published. Read a chapter (if it's an article, read the whole article)
    • cite your one source
    • create a works cited page (MLA style)
    • NO wikipedia
    • NO yahoo answers or similar sources.

  • Create one page summary of the research you've found
    • This means you may quote, paraphrase or summarise your information.
    • You may use bullet points.
    • ALL your work must be facts and data from your sources.
    • Make sure you understand your text and can explain it to another person.
    • Add a one paragraph personal response.
    • Upload to CLASSROOM.  No hard copies will be accepted.

Resources if you need them.

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Scramble for Africa Assignment

World History B
1)   Belgian Congo

Michel, Albert, Kendall
2)   South Africa

Terrence  zach Dorah
3)   Liberia

Miryam Elodie Gaetan
4)   Morocco

Chris and Victoria

World History A
1)   Belgian Congo

Olivia, Isaac, Philip
2)   South Africa

Vanessa, Alisha, Emma
3)   Liberia

Isaac, Sasha, Rodney, tChina
4)   Morocco

Sami, Darine, Alexa

Group Projects Scramble for Africa
4 groups:
1)   Belgian Congo
2)   South Africa
3)   Liberia
4)   Morocco

All Members must show work

Create a 15 minute presentation on your assigned topic.
1.     Research how your country was affected by Europe.
a.     Trace the history of the country as far back as you can go.
b.     Identify which European country had the most effect on your country. Explain how.
c.      Provide a list of resources the country had/has. (why were the Europeans interested in the country?)
d.     What is the current political/economical/social situation in that country now? How is that related to Europe?
You need to:
1)   Provide clear notes to the entire class.
2)   Provide at least one political cartoon FROM THE COLONIAL PERIOD and explain why the cartoon is important to your topic.
3)   Have two outside sources in your presentation
4)   Use any of the following:
a.     posters
b.     Powerpoint
c.      Videos and other media may be used but they can be no longer than 4 minutes.
5)   Provide a separate sheet that explains the work each student has done for the presentation.
6)   All computers used must be tested in advanced to make sure they work. DO NOT rely on the internet during the presentation.

GRADING: worth 30 points,  15p given by the class and 15 by Ms. Stück,  according to a grading rubric for the entire group and individual team grading

Friday 19 August 2016


  • Write three journal entries for your character
  • 500 word minimum per journal entry = 1500 w. minimum total
  •  MLA, double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font.
  •  Email or upload to classroom by midnight, Friday, September 1st.


A Catholic Bishop
A Landed Aristocrat
A Wealthy Merchant
A Poor Artisan
A Peasant

·      Pick three (3) events from the French Revolution class ppt.
·      Describe each event from an eyewitness point of view. 
·      Make sure you understand the event/person/place AND your character.
·      Make sure you explain the event/person/place and your character.
o   Include the date and location.
·      Don’t sound like a textbook.
·      Have fun!