Haitian History Group project

Group project schedule

Group Project Rubric

Haiti Resources

Group project:

Haitian history from beginning to present.

This project will take all year. 

Each Friday, 15 minutes will be given to a group of two students who will share the history portion assigned to them in class.

The research will be based on information gathered from the Internet and the book ‘Written in Blood’ and the book will be available in Ms  Stück’s class for the students to read and prepare.
Students will follow the above rubric.

How to prepare for your presentation:

1. Organise your major points on a page or a page and a half of paper to use as a speaking guide.
2. Use quotes from people who lived during that time.
3. Prepare a powerpoint or multiple copies for the class if you have special maps, a chronology, technical terms, or illustrations that everyone should see.

When you begin...

4. Start out with a strong, clear thesis of what your presentation is all about.
5. Make sure you have a limited number of major dates which you stress and illustrate.
6. Have a sense of how long you will take by practising before a mirror or an available roommate.

As you start to write...

7.  Prepare a minimum of 5 pages of notes to hand in at the end of the presentation.
8. Begin with a clear statement of the time period you are dealing with. (dates and people)
9. End with a discussion on how your time period affects Haiti today.
10.  Credit all your sources.
11.  Proofread. There should be no grammar or vocabulary mistakes in the presentation or in your hand-out. 


12. You are not required to use technology, but if you do, it must be set up and working before class starts. You are responsible for running a check before class starts. You must give yourself enough time to do this, either during the break or the previous day.
13. Do not use any form that requires the use of the internet. If you are showing movies, download them. If you are using a presentation tool, it cannot be accessed from the internet.


14: Be as creative as you like. The goal is that your classmates will have all the important dates and people of your time period, but also that they understand what it was like to be alive during that time period in Haiti.

Hand in:

-  5 pages minimum of notes to the teacher.
-  2 printed pages with the date, topic and a picture of a major event in your time period.  Use this template

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