Thursday 30 March 2017

Excerpts from "Mein Kampf"

On The Use Of Propaganda [Chapter 6]: Bouchereau - Joseph, Esperance, Martinez

  1. Propaganda is teaching new, significant info to people that is in their field of vision.
  2. Propaganda is to be made for all levels of intelligence
  3. The goal of propaganda is to influence people. But also avoiding intellectual demands
  4. The higher level of intellectuality, the more effective propaganda will be
  5. The art of propaganda is to understand the emotional  ideas of the  great majority
  6. It is necessary to understand how useful it is for the propaganda to be adjusted to the broad majority
  7. Propaganda is not to be made many-sided
  8. Propaganda is to serve the right of the people who are using it
  9. The use of propaganda is to argue for the right that it is set out for
  10. The whole point of propaganda is get into people’s head in a good way

On the Weapon of the Jews: Emmanuelle Rocourt, Alisha Loiseau

  1. The Jews feel enmity towards the people that are not like them, they are seen as the ‘attackers’, and they are unjust towards them. 
  2. Ignorant and narrow-minded people are victims to the lies of the Jews, who are seen as the devil.
  3. The upper classes are seen as stupid cowards, by Hitler, for falling for lies being told to them by Jews.
  4. Some of them realize that they are foreigners but are still comfortable in the country; people are scared of them.
  5. Zionists try to protect them by convincing others that they are truly interested in the Palestinian state, but really, they are only interested in the money.
  6. Jews mixed races by marrying and becoming family and destroying the racially pure
  7. They replace democracy with dictatorship over the lesser people
  8. They gain control of social enterprises and revolutionizes economic and political systems.
  9. Corrupts and contaminates major cultural and religious aspects.
  10. Hitler blamed the Jews for everything that happened in Russia, such as the starvation of many people, and decides that an end must come to the oppression by the Jews.

Fighting Jewish as defending God (p.60) Isaac Lee, Guitchina, Alexa

  1. All From Hitler’s Point of View.
  2. Hitler is against communism
  3. Believed that Communism rejects the purpose of nature.
  4. The Jewish Doctrine is not helping Hitler’s belief of power and strength.
  5. Hitler describes the Jewish Doctrine as “Dead weight” it has no value.
  6. He believed that it causes the importance of man to decrease
  7. Not only for men but for race, culture, and the existence of humanity.
  8. Hitler thinks that it will bring an end to society, even the world.
  9. He thinks it’s so bad that it could bring chaos and destruction to the world.
  10. Hitler believes that he’s preforming the work of God, and doing all this for a good cause

On the Protocols of the Elders of Zion: Sami

    1. Protocols of the Elders of Zion says that the Jews are liars because they don’t have the five points of nationalism  
    2. Newspaper say that the book is fake and according to Hitler that makes it real.
    3. If people know about this book the Jews are not going to be very strong.

    On the “Big Lie”: Rodney Michel, Olivia Labossiere

    1. In the big lie, there is forced evidence to believe the lie
    2. The big lie causes corruption in society
    3. People fall for the big lie rather than the small lie because they tell small lies
    4. Because of the lies they will have doubts and think that there are other explanations
    5. The people who lie know how to manipulate others with their lies
    6. Jews say they are a religious community, but Hitler says they are a race
    7. Jews were called ‘The Great Master of Lies’
    8. Those who don’t accept that statement will not help the truth triumph